Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Channel 1 News 1.11.08

uggggg. here we go again. i like the music. aw some.

this is a special segment in honor of veterans day


right now they are talking about temporary housing. i don't really know what peanut butter and jelly has to do with veterans day. OHHHHH!! i get it. it is a homeless shelter called tent city. it is a huge village with tents for houses it's kind of cool really. homelessness has dropped 12 percent, which is good. but experts expect more families in homeless shelters because the housing shortage. this is kind of sad. wow. that is amazing.

hear it now

seconhand serenade, sounds cool.

tvs in bedroomsnow

they are talking about how having a tv in your room can affect you life. wow. kids with TVs in their rooms don't engage in as many social activates. both kids say they can relate to the studies, bu not 100% .

veterans day.

they are talking about a mother/ daughter pair that are heading off to Iraq. i think it's very impressive. it will strengthen their relation ship.

well the shows over, i liked this one. TTFN

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